CS201 QUIZ 2022 May 25, 2022 by Dilawar CS201 QUIZ 2022 1974 Created on May 25, 2022 By Dilawar CS201 midterm mcqs preparation 2022 1 / 21 What is the output of the following statement? int i = 2.5; do { cout i * 2; } while (i > 3 && i < 10); 510 5 48 error 2 / 21 Searching is easier when an array is already sorted True False 3 / 21 If an array has 100 elements, what is allowable range of subscripts? 0 - 99 1 - 99 0 - 100 1 - 100 4 / 21 What will be the value of ‘a’ and ‘b’ after executing the following statements? a = 3; b = a++; 3, 4 4, 4 3, 3 4, 3 5 / 21 What will be the correct syntax to initialize all elements of two-dimensional array to value 0? int arr[2][3] = {0,0} ; int arr[2][3] = {{0},{0}} ; int arr[2][3] = {0},{0} ; int arr[2][3] = {0} ; 6 / 21 Which of the following function returns the size of a string variable? Also Read: My CS301 Current Paper Today strlength() stringlen() strlen() strLength() 7 / 21 Computer can understand only machine language code. True False 8 / 21 If the file is not properly closed in the program, the program ____________. Terminate normally Indicate Runtime error Indicate Compile time error Crashes 9 / 21 Which of the following header file include string conversion functions? string.h stdlib.h ctype.h sconvert.h 10 / 21 The function of cin is To display message To read data from keyboard To display output on the screen To send data to printer 11 / 21 In C/C++ language the header file which is used to perform useful task and manipulation of character data is cplext.h ctype.h stdio.h delay.h 12 / 21 Word processor is Operating system Application software Device driver Utility software 13 / 21 Also Read: CS504 Assignment NO#1 Solution Fall 2022 (1) Each pass through a loop is called a/an enumeration Iteration culmination pass through 14 / 21 What is the correct syntax to declare an array of size 10 of int data type? int [10] name ; int name[10] ; int [10] name ; int name[] ; 15 / 21 Which of the following operator is used to access the value of variable pointed to by a pointer? * operator -> operator && operator & operator 16 / 21 Analysis is the -------------- step in designing a program Last Middle Post Design First 17 / 21 Paying attention to detail in designing a program is _________ Time consuming Redundant Necessary Somewhat Good 18 / 21 statement in curly braces is, Not required Good programming Relevant Must 19 / 21 Also Read: Eng101-2 Jan The while loop becomes infinite, When the condition is always false When the condition is less than zero When the condition is always true When the condition contains a logical operator 20 / 21 Which of the following function(s) is/are included in stdlib.h header file? double atof(const char *nptr) int atoi(const char *nptr) char *strcpy ( char *s1, const char *s2) 1 and 2 only 21 / 21 If we want to store a string “abc” in an array str then the size of this array must be at least, 2 3 4 5 Your score is The average score is 55% LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte 0% Restart quiz Related
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