CS101 QUIZ 2022 May 25, 2022 by Dilawar CS101QUIZ 2022 3982 Created on May 25, 2022 By Dilawar CS101 midterm mcqs preparation 2022 1 / 39 Which of the following is not an example of Multi-user Operating System? DOS Solaris Linux Unix 2 / 39 Choose the correct html format to create a checkbox. 3 / 39 Write the name of tag(s) that can be used to select only one option from multiple choices. ►SELECT and LIST ►RADIO and TEXT AREA ►SELECT and RADIO ►CHECKBOX 4 / 39 give us the ability to manipulate data through reference instead of actual value. ►Constants ►Variables ►Data Types ►Operators 5 / 39 In spreadsheets, cell address A12 means . ►Row A, Cloumn 12 ►Row 12, Cloumn A ►Row 2,Cloumn A1 ►Row A1, Cloumn 2 6 / 39 Which one of the following devices, acts as the main controller of a computer system? CPU RAM ROM Hard Drive 7 / 39 How many bits are there in one byte? ►8 bits ►10 bits ►12 bits ►16 bits 8 / 39 Graphics creation in JavaScript is . ►Easy ►Difficult ►Simple ►Not Possible 9 / 39 The term “Identifier” in JavaScript refers to . ►Value of a variable ►Name of a variable ►A key word ►Type of a variable 10 / 39 Human are better than computers at: ►Efficiency ►Accuracy ►Pattern recognition ►None of the given choices 11 / 39 The memory size of the Altair 8800 was ►128 bytes ►128 Kilo bytes ►256 Kilo bytes ►256 bytes 12 / 39 Also Read: MCM301 Midterm Current Paper Today Information on World Wide Web is unified. ►Physically ►Logically ►Really ►None of the given choices 13 / 39 Mainframe Computers are also called ►Enterprise Servers ►Personal Servers ►Enterprise Managers ►Window Servers 14 / 39 Which of the following is NOT a category of Mobile Computers? ►Laptop ►Palmtop ►Desktop ►Wearable 15 / 39 Hexadecimal number system is based on digits 2 8 12 16 16 / 39 Java script and HTML are . ►case sensitive ►Not case sensitive ►Java script is case sensitive but HTML is not ►HTML is case sensitive but Java script is not 17 / 39 A diode functions as the electronic version of a -way valve. one two three four 18 / 39 tag is used to ►underline text ►end the line ►create ordered list ►create unordered list 19 / 39 Web standards are being developed by . ►Mozilla ►Microsoft ►IBM ►World Wide Web Consortium 20 / 39 The "page title tag" is written inside the tag. ►Body ►Head ►Meta ►Script 21 / 39 JavaScript uses to response against user's actions. ►Special Controls ►Event Handlers ►Window objects ►Interrupts 22 / 39 Which of the following is NOT an Application Software. ►Word Processor ►Web Browser ►Windows XP ►MS Excel 23 / 39 Web Pages developed for human as well computer understanding are called as; ►Static Web Pages ►Semantic Web Pages ►Dynamic Web Pages ►Java Web Pages 24 / 39 JavaScript stores all numbers as . ►Integers ►Floating point numbers ►Strings ►Character values 25 / 39 The first was invented at Bell Laboratories on December 16, 1947 by William Shockley. ►Transistor ►Vacuum Tube ►Punch card ►Transmitter 26 / 39 Virus scanning software is a kind of . ►Utility Program ►System Software ►Device Driver ►Freeware 27 / 39 The structure in which another list starts before the first list is finished, is called . ►Multiple List ►Nested List ►Ordered List ►Un-ordered List 28 / 39 Which of the following is not an Application Software? ►Word Processor ►Web Browser ►Microsoft Windows ►MS Excel 29 / 39 Choose the correct sequence of technologies used in the evolution of computer from starting to today. ►Mechanical, Electro mechanical, Vacuum Tubes, Transistors ►Electro mechanical, Mechanical, Vacuum Tubes, Transistors ►Electronic, Mechanical, Electro mechanical ►Mechanical,Electrical,Quantum Computing,Transisters 30 / 39 In the context of computer evolution-------, was built to help University to solve the .-------- ►ENIAC, artillery tables ►UNIVAC, numeric and textual information ►ABC, Simultaneous linear equations ►Harvard Mark 1, gunnery and ballistic calculation 31 / 39 The floppy disk was introduced in the market by . ►Hewlett Packard ►IBM ►Intel ►Yoshiro Nakamats 32 / 39 If I have multiple programs, running on my Windows XP installed PC, it refers to: ►Multi User, Multiprocessing ►Multi User ►Single User ►Single user, Multitasking 33 / 39 Bringing subsystems together to form the system is called ►Integration ►Merging ►Splitting ►Operation & Maintenance 34 / 39 Which of the following is/are the parts of Operating system components? ►GUI ►Device Manager ►Shell ►All of these 35 / 39 The key feature of Scientific/Engineering/Graphics applications is ►Intense calculations ►User-friendly ►Reliability ►Cost-effective 36 / 39 Command which saves the selected text before deleting is ►Copy ►Delete ►Cut ►Undo 37 / 39 All the hardware components of the Computer system are installed on --. ►Microprocessor ►Motherboard ►Monitor ►Memory 38 / 39 By default in a web page Hyper Link for another web page is represented as ►Blue only ►Black and Underlined ►Blue and Bold ►Blue and Underlined 39 / 39 A microprocessor can be made more powerful by increasing its ►Clock frequency ►Word length ►Clock frequency and Word length ►None of above Your score is The average score is 47% LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte 0% Restart quiz Related
Thank you so much sir. CS201p ka kl 1st quiz hai. Main ny yahan se practice krli hai. Sir please aur b subjects k bnaen. Aur sir what’s app groups nhi join ho rhy mj se. Mjy join krna hai Reply
Thank you so much sir. CS201p ka kl 1st quiz hai. Main ny yahan se practice krli hai. Sir please aur b subjects k bnaen. Aur sir what’s app groups nhi join ho rhy mj se. Mjy join krna hai