vu final marks calculations formula



Course Grading Scheme and Weightages

The grading scheme of every subject/course shall be defined by the concerned Academic staff with respect to each semester.


Grading Policy


The University follows relative type of grading based on student performance in each course in a semester. The grading scheme includes following letter grades, grade points and equivalent percentages:

Letter Grade Grade Points Equivalent Percentage
A+ 4.00 90-100
A 4.00 85-89
A- 3.66 – 3.99 80-84
B+ 3.33 – 3.65 75-79
B 3.00 – 3.32 71-74
B- 2.66 – 2.99 68-70
C 2.00 – 2.65 61-67
D 1.00 – 1.99 50-60
F 0.00 00-49



Passing Criteria for a Course:

The passing criteria is defined in such a way that it ensures the student shall be consistent in his studies throughout the semester. Therefore, for passing a course/subject, student shall fulfill the following:

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  1. a)Secure minimum 20% score in Formative Assessments*1
  2. b)Secure minimum 20% score in Final Term Examinations.
  3. c)Secure at least 40% marks in aggregate while fulfilling the above requirements

*1:-   Formative Assessments = sum of all academic activities excluding Final Term Examinations.

Grade Points and Grade Point Average:

GPA of a semester is calculated as: multiply each grade point you receive by the number of credit hours for that course, add up the totals, and then divide by the total number of credit hours taken in that semester.

Cumulative Grade Point Average: Cumulative grade point average (CGPA) is the weighted mean value of all grade points earned by enrollment or by examination in courses at VU.
(Explanation: GPA and CGPA includes the number of credit hours at VU for a letter grade even if a grade of “F” was earned).

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The cumulative grade point average (CGPA) will be calculated on the basis of the following formula:

CGPA = Sum (Credit Hrs. for course X Grade Point obtained in the course) / Sum (credit Hrs.)

with the sum being taken over all courses taken by the student with the specification that repeated courses shall be counted once only.

(Explanation: If a student repeats a course, it will only be counted once with higher achieved grade point and that will be calculated in the CGPA).


Declaration of Result

The result of every semester shall be announced by the office of the Controller of Examinations.

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Revision of Result after Declaration

The Controller of Examinations, after due authorization from the Rector, shall quash and/or revise the result of a candidate wholly or partially after it has been declared, in case:

  1. The student has been disqualified on account of using unfair means in the examination;
  2. A mistake is found in the student’s result;

iii.      A data corruption problem is detected.

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