cs101 Quiz live

Created on By Dilawar

CS101 midterm mcqs preparation 2022

1 / 39

Which of the following is not an example of Multi-user Operating System?

2 / 39

Choose the correct html format to create a checkbox.

3 / 39

Write the name of tag(s) that can be used to select only one option from multiple choices.

4 / 39

  give us the ability to manipulate data through reference instead of actual value.

5 / 39

In spreadsheets, cell address A12 means .

6 / 39

Which one of the following devices, acts as the main controller of a computer system?

7 / 39

How many bits are there in one byte?

8 / 39

Graphics creation in JavaScript is .

9 / 39

The term “Identifier” in JavaScript refers to .

10 / 39

Human are better than computers at:

11 / 39

The memory size of the Altair 8800 was

12 / 39

Information on World Wide Web is unified.

13 / 39

Mainframe Computers are also called  

14 / 39

Which of the following is NOT a category of Mobile Computers?

15 / 39

Hexadecimal number system is based on digits

16 / 39

Java script and HTML are .

17 / 39

A diode functions as the electronic version of a -way valve.

18 / 39

     tag is used to

19 / 39

Web standards are being developed by .

20 / 39

The "page title tag" is written inside the tag.

21 / 39

JavaScript uses to response against user's actions.

22 / 39

Which of the following is NOT an Application Software.

23 / 39

Web Pages developed for human as well computer understanding are called as;

24 / 39

JavaScript stores all numbers as .

25 / 39

The first was invented at Bell Laboratories on December 16, 1947 by William Shockley.

26 / 39

Virus scanning software is a kind of .

27 / 39

The structure in which another list starts before the first list is finished, is called


28 / 39

Which of the following is not an Application Software?

29 / 39

Choose the correct sequence of technologies used in the evolution of computer from starting to today.

30 / 39

In the context of computer evolution-------, was built to help University to solve the .--------

31 / 39

The floppy disk was introduced in the market by .

32 / 39

If I have multiple programs, running on my Windows XP installed PC, it refers to:

33 / 39

Bringing subsystems together to form the system is called

34 / 39

Which of the following is/are the parts of Operating system components?

35 / 39

The key feature of Scientific/Engineering/Graphics applications is  

36 / 39

Command which saves the selected text before deleting is

37 / 39

All the hardware components of the Computer system are installed on --.

38 / 39

By default in a web page Hyper Link for another web page is represented as

39 / 39

A microprocessor can be made more powerful by increasing its  

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The average score is 47%



cs201 quiz 2022

Created on By Dilawar

CS201 midterm mcqs preparation 2022

1 / 21

What is the output of the following statement?

int i = 2.5; do { cout i * 2; } while (i > 3 && i < 10);

2 / 21

Searching is easier when an array is already sorted

3 / 21

If an array has 100 elements, what is allowable range of subscripts?

4 / 21

What will be the value of ‘a’ and ‘b’ after executing the following statements?

a = 3;

b = a++;

5 / 21

What will be the correct syntax to initialize all elements of two-dimensional array to

value 0?

6 / 21

Which of the following function returns the size of a string variable?

7 / 21

Computer can understand only machine language code.

8 / 21

If the file is not properly closed in the program, the program ____________.

9 / 21

Which of the following header file include string conversion functions?

10 / 21

The function of cin is

11 / 21

In C/C++ language the header file which is used to perform useful task and manipulation

of character data is

12 / 21

Word processor is

13 / 21

Each pass through a loop is called a/an

14 / 21

What is the correct syntax to declare an array of size 10 of int data type?

15 / 21

Which of the following operator is used to access the value of variable pointed to by a


16 / 21

Analysis is the -------------- step in designing a program

17 / 21

Paying attention to detail in designing a program is _________

18 / 21

statement in curly braces is,

19 / 21

The while loop becomes infinite,

20 / 21

Which of the following function(s) is/are included in stdlib.h header file?

21 / 21

If we want to store a string “abc” in an array str then the size of this array must be

at least,

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The average score is 54%



cs401 quiz 2022

Created on By Dilawar

CS401 midterm mcqs preparation 2022

1 / 10

When two 16bit numbers are added the answer can be 17 bits long, this extra bit that won’t fit in the target

register is placed in the where it can be used and tested

2 / 10

If D is “35” is shift to left 2 bits the new value

3 / 10

if ax contains decimal -2 and BX contains decimal 2 then after the execution of

instructions: CMP AX, BX ,JA label

4 / 10

Each screen location corresponds to a word, the lower byte of this word contains ____

5 / 10

When an item is pushed on the decrementing stack, the top of the stack is

6 / 10

One screen location corresponds to a

7 / 10

The execution of the instruction “mov word [ES: 0], 0x0741” will print “A” on the screen, color of the

character will be

8 / 10

The iAPX888 architecture consists of _______ register.

9 / 10

The execution of the instruction “mov word [ES : 0], 0x0741” will print character “A” on screen , background

color of the screen will be

10 / 10

The first instruction of “COM” file must be at offset:

Your score is

The average score is 52%



eco401 quiz 2022

Created on By Dilawar

ECO401 midterm mcqs preparation 2022

1 / 14

If pen and ink are complements, then an increase in the price of pen will cause:

2 / 14

A good for which income and quantity demanded are inversely related is known as:

3 / 14

At the equilibrium price:

4 / 14

A market is said to be in equilibrium when:

5 / 14

We know that the demand for a product is elastic:

6 / 14

Which of the following is regarded as a general determinant of price elasticity of demand?

7 / 14

As more of a good is consumed, then total utility typically:

8 / 14

Which of the following is the term that economists use to describe how consumers rank

different goods and services?

9 / 14

The extra value that consumers receive above what they pay for that good is called:

10 / 14

A risk-averse individual has:

11 / 14

As long as all prices remain constant, an increase in money income results in:

12 / 14

Assume leisure is a normal good. If income effect equals substitution effect then a wage rate

increase will lead a person to:

13 / 14

The budget line is the boundary between:

14 / 14

A perfectly competitive firm maximizes profit by finding the level of production at which:

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The average score is 45%



eng001 quiz 2022

Created on By Dilawar

ENG001 midterm mcqs preparation 2022

1 / 21

indirect narration of 'Hurrah! We have won the match' is:

2 / 21

Which verb can be both singular and plural?

3 / 21

Choose the best way to complete the sentence given below:


I didn't know what he meant.

4 / 21

Choose the correct option.

My friend Ken will come with me to Metro town.

5 / 21

persons who use their voices (pitch, rhythm, stress) and their bodies to communicate their message are:

6 / 21

Using various symbols to represent sounds is called:

7 / 21

Choose the option that best defines 'Clarity':

8 / 21

Choose the option that best defines the 'Conciseness':

9 / 21

Popular expressions which may not be considered proper in formal use are called:

10 / 21

message’s success depends upon the fulfillment of the following points:

11 / 21

 The indirect narration of 'Hurrah! We have won the match' is:

12 / 21

 How many adverbs are there in the sentence given below?

I really woke up too early this morning.

13 / 21

Choose the correct option.

What a rainy day!

14 / 21

 A noun which names anything (or anyone) that you can perceive through your physical senses is:

15 / 21

 Which one of the following does modify a noun or a pronoun by describing, identifying, or quantifying words?

16 / 21

Identify what part of the sentence is missing and needs to be added to make the fragment into a sentence.

‘they told each other’

17 / 21

The ect narration of 'He told me that he would accept my offer' is:

18 / 21

Choose the option that best defines the 'Courteous':

19 / 21

 A short story writer has expressed the feelings of the beggar in a very lifelike way which has moved the readers to feel sorrow for him. Which quality of the writer does it express?

20 / 21

Choose the best choice to complete the sentence given below:


He said …..

21 / 21

SMOG Index stands for:

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The average score is 55%



eng101 quiz 2022

Created on By Dilawar

ENG101 midterm mcqs preparation 2022

1 / 26

Our investigation will reveal the truth.

2 / 26

Which suffix can correctly be added to the root word 'electric' to make a new word?

3 / 26

Newton imagined light to ________ of particles emitted from luminous bodies.

4 / 26

Indicate the correct form of verb in the sentence given below.

He was told not to laugh at policemen.

5 / 26

Read the sentence carefully and decide which of the five choices provided comes closest in meaning to

the word underlined.

Sue affected to like her only until she found a better friend.

6 / 26

Read the sentence carefully and decide which of the five choices provided comes closest in meaning to

the word underlined.

Sue affected to like her only until she found a better friend.

7 / 26

Read the statement carefully and choose ‘inference’ from the given options.

If you get fired from your job, you can infer that:

8 / 26

Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct option.

The coach's ___________ voice could be heard over all the other noise in the gymnasium.

9 / 26

Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct option.

The lab technicians went through the titration process with __________ care.

10 / 26

Complete the sentence by choosing the best option /pair of connectives.

_____ the men _____ their supervisor is to be blamed for the mishap.

11 / 26

Read the cause in the given situation and choose the effect.

She was in a hurry riding her bike, so she carried her viola across the handlebars. She failed to see the rock on

the street in front of her.

12 / 26

Fill in the blank with appropriate connector.

__________ other mollusks, the oyster reproduces by eggs. .

13 / 26

Which one of the following cannot be used for the suffix -ion?

14 / 26

Choose the best meaning of highlighted words in the sentence.

Reforestation will help to restore our environment.

15 / 26

Complete the sentence by choosing the best option. /pair of connectives.

James usually has his lunch at this restaurant _____ sometimes he eats elsewhere.

16 / 26

Complete the sentence by choosing the best option.

It was an expensive vase _____ they bought it to pleases their mother.

17 / 26

Read the statement carefully and choose ‘inference’ from the given options.

If you see someone fall off of their bike, you can infer that:

18 / 26

Choose the best meaning for the word underlined. .

Being unable to write clearly is a liability in a business career. In business, one must often express opinions

and ideas in writing.

19 / 26

Choose the best meaning for the word underlined.

By giving military aid to dictatorships in Latin America, the United States has seemed to sanction their cruel


20 / 26

Complete the sentence by choosing the correct option.

“Oh, dear! I have left _____ my purse _____ keys in the other bag,” said Seema.

21 / 26

Choose the phrasal verb most similar in meaning to: Refuse

22 / 26

Which suffix cannot be added to the root word 'employ' to make a new word?

23 / 26

Each class is to present _____ a drama _____ a song for the concert.

24 / 26

Read the sentence carefully and identify which of the given choices is closest in meaning to the word

underlined. .

J.Paul Getty, the late billionaire, was so frugal that he had a pay telephone for the guests in his home.

25 / 26

Read the statement carefully and choose ‘inference’ from the given options.

If you go to a birthday party, you can infer that:

26 / 26

Choose the best meaning for the highlighted word.

  1. A student of contemporary art must also study the classic works of artists from the past, recognizing that

these masters produced the modern art of their own time.


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The average score is 50%



eng201 quiz 2022

Created on By Dilawar

ENG201 midterm mcqs preparation 2022

1 / 16

Which of the following have both; a denotative meaning and a connotative meaning?

2 / 16

Which of the following can be defined as “the words one chooses to state one’s message, say much

more than their dictionary definitions”?

3 / 16

Which of the following concerns the careful use of language to express meaning?

4 / 16

If you are writing a persuasive message, what are the common ways of establishing your credibility?

5 / 16

How can you make your messages effective?

6 / 16

Which section of a resume creates most disagreements among experts about its relative advantages and


7 / 16

Which of the following should be done when writing recommendation letters?

8 / 16

Which one of the following is more effective Technical Communication?

9 / 16

Which one of the following options should be used during business correspondence?

10 / 16

Which one of the following can create immense difference between class room communication and job


11 / 16

Which of the following suggests ‘Implication of a word or a suggestion separate from the usual


12 / 16

Which of the following is generally organized by direct approach and receives a

favorable reaction?

13 / 16

Which of the followings are real but unnamed readers?

14 / 16

How many aspects does Accuracy have?

15 / 16

What can be considered as the heart of a report?

16 / 16

What is the last thing you need to do before you get ready to distribute your document?

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The average score is 50%



pak301 quiz 2022

Created on By Dilawar

PAK301 midterm mcqs preparation 2022

1 / 13

Which country accepted Pakistan's existence as an independent and sovereign state


2 / 13

When did the rule of East India Company come into end in the British India?

3 / 13

Why was the Mission send in 1945 called as Cabinet Mission Plan?

4 / 13

What was the population of Pakistan according to the first census in 1951?

5 / 13

What is the total length of Pakistan’s coastal area?

6 / 13

What is the total length of the boundary with India on the Eastern side of Pakistan?

7 / 13

What is the total length of the boundary with India on the Eastern side of Pakistan?

8 / 13

When did Zial-ul-Haq impose third martial law in Pakistan?

9 / 13

When the Principle of Usher or agricultural tax was introduced on agricultural


10 / 13

"North Western areas are Muslim majority ares. We will not only keep these majorities

but will turn them into a Muslim state. Muslims should get rid of Indianism, it is better

for Muslims and Islam".

Who said this statement?

11 / 13

What was the reaction of Non-Muslims on The Objectives Resolution?

12 / 13

In which year Chaudhry Rehmat Ali died?

13 / 13

Which was the first educational step that Sir Syed Ahmed Khan took in academic


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The average score is 53%



phy101 quiz 2022

Created on By Dilawar


1 / 15

A net torque applied to a rigid object always tends to produce:

2 / 15

An object attached to one end of a spring makes 20 vibrations in 10 s. Its

angular frequency is:

3 / 15

In simple harmonic motion, the restoring force must be proportional to the:

4 / 15

The units of the electric field are:

5 / 15

Mercury is a convenient liquid to use in a barometer because:

6 / 15

A farad is the same as a

7 / 15

We desire to make an LC circuit that oscillates at 100 Hz using an

inductance of 2.5H. We also need a capacitance of:

8 / 15

The wavelength of red light is 700 nm. Its frequency is

9 / 15

Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE about electromagnetic


10 / 15

Radio waves and light waves are

11 / 15

Wien's Law states that, lmax = ________ K.

12 / 15

Interference of light is evidence that:

13 / 15

Fahrenheit and Kelvin scales agree numerically at a reading of:

14 / 15

According to the theory of relativity

15 / 15

How fast should you move away from a 6.0 × 1014 Hz light source to

observe waves with a frequency of 4.0 × 1014 Hz?

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The average score is 49%
