MATH 102 Final Term Current Paper Today

Short question  1- Difference between quantatives and qualitative? 2- find the slope of  3x-4y=12 3-what is Median of Grouped Data: For grouped data the median is given where Lo,ho ,fo,F stand for? Answer L0 = Lower class boundary of the median class ho = Width of the median class f0 = Frequency of the median … Read more

cs101 Final Term Current Paper Today

mcqs are almost from handouts short question  write the name of the command that compare the version of the same document page. machine cycle three name. name two thing through which american use the heavy amount of paper every year. short yahi yad ha long question  factorial ka peousode tha yis me fifth iletration me … Read more

MTH104 Final Term Current Paper Today

Mth104 today’s paper Mcqs were mostly conceptual and hard Question: Set inclusion ka 1 question tha Prove if x<=y then Sqrt x<= sqrt y A=1,2,3,4,5 find conjunction , disjunction and negation Preposition given thi and or or not me likhna tha Show that 𝑝 → 𝑞 and ~𝑝 ∨ 𝑞 are logically equivalent. Cardinal number … Read more

Cs401P Final Term Current Paper Today

cs401p(4-march at 2.30 pm)
mcqs some from handouts and some conceptual
lecture1-45 sary prepare krny hain

1-assembly code to add your vu I’d
2-assembly code which generate size mismatch error
3-why size mismatch error occur
4-function given in C write code to call given function
5-while opening existing file what are the values of
6-values of Ax, BX, Cx and DX given
wirte assembly code to mov BX into AX
and mov DX into Cx
note:use only push and pop

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