Mth601 by learning world with mri ilyas

[05/01, Aoa papr mth601 done

easy tha papr mega file Sy Aya

tha mcq mostly linear programming k ….

Subjective est fst …


Linear programming method ka tha question



Time – 5:30


4 Questions

2 Questions (3 Marks)

2 Questions (5 Marks)

Q1:- Table given tha uska EST OR LFT find krna tha

Q2:- simplex method sy ak question solve krna tha maximization wala

Q3:- Network diagram di thi uska relationship or predecessors btany thy

Q4:- ak m sb given tha entering or leaving variable btany thy


Aoa mai abhi

Mth601 ka paper dy kr ai hoon 10:30 paper timing thi….paper allhumdulillah bht easy tha sara paper pehly 13 lectures mai sy aya tha….

Mcqs sary handouts k lesson no 1 ,2 ,3 mai sy ay thy sirf 1 ya 2 mcqs linear programming mai sy thy

Sort 2 thy 3 marks waly

Q1 : sab kch given tha EOQ find kerna tha no shortage purchase wala formula lga kr

Q2 network diagram bni wi thi EST and EFT find kerna tha bss 3 marks

Q3 network diagram given thi critical path find kerna tha bs 5 marks

Also Read:  mth601 Quiz 3 Solution File 2022

Q4 sab kuch given tha bs EOQ find kerna tha optimal inventory C= C1Q +C2D/q or c3 ye find kerna tha bsss


EFT find krni thi (4 to 10 lectures)

Ek diagram thi uska table bnna tha

MCQs Linear k thy zeada

Assignment 1 or 2 wli questions k concept ly lo


Today Mth601 10.30 paper

Mcqs kuch samj nai aye


Table tha aik linear programming ka contarints likhna tha

Wohi table tha oper wala is ma ham na table banana tha product ka kuch time dia tha 5 marks

Aik pic si thi us ka relationship likhna tha


Paper mth601

Mcqs mostly from past files and some in handouts

1 Dummy activity

2 Maximize Wala question tha


Predecessor find krna tha

Maximize Wala question tha long ma b ak


Mth601 at 10:30

Mcqs some from files and some difficult

Short questions find the S.D and variance and critical path

Long question find the EOQ


Mth601 ka paper 3 number k question ma linear programing ma sa aya tha or ak pert wala tha or 5 number k question ma ak processed wala table bana tha graphics ma aya tha or ak aya tha k os ma graphic bana tha os ki demand shortage timelap overlap find krna tha

Also Read:  vu final marks calculations formula


Mth601 mcqs kch past sy or kch hndsout sy linear programming sy 4 5 ay thy or question aik diagram di gyi table bnana th or ak predecessor likhny thy or aik formula diya hua th usk dravation krni thi or aik linear programming sy th shaded kiya hua thy uski equation bnani thi


Assalamualaikum toady my MTH601 paper at 12 pm

All mcq are from hand outs not from past files

Long question both are easy ,1st main critical path find krna tha aur 2nd main standard equation main likhni

Short main 2 graph bny thy in main discribe krna tha k knsa graph PERT aur knsa CPM k feasible solution ko show kr rha h


Paper mth601

Mcqs mostly from past files and some in handouts

1 Dummy activity

2 Maximize Wala question tha


Predecessor find krna tha

Maximize Wala question tha long ma b ak


Mth601 variance wala question tha mcqs mai 3 yan 4 mcqs file sy hony baki sb conceptual or handout sy ay thy


short mai ak project wala question

long mai preceddors find krni thi diagram di hue thi or Lp method wala question aya tha long mai jo practise question diyay gy same as it is Lp method wohi tha bs rakams change honi baki same tha or linear programming wala short mai aya tha Lp method or linear programming bht imp sbky exams mai arha almost


MTH601 midterm 12 pm

Mcqs, 10 to 13 from the past file remaining were conceptual.


Network diagram di hui thi Cycling ki r explain krna tha k iska CPM q accomplish nae kr skty. 3 marks

Inventory chapter m sy aek theory question tha 3 marks ka

Maximize vla question tha 5 marks ka


LST,LFT find krna tha network r table given m sy. . 5 marks


Kindly phly Long questions attempt kren coz vo portion easy aa rha. Mcqs conceptual r formulas lga k values find krny vly han jis sy time ziyada waste ho jata r long easy hny k bawajud attempt nhi kr skty.

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