Mcqs were almost from the past papers.
Short Questions:
Radix Conversation: Convert (.4cd)16 to base 10.
3 features of wireless transmissions?
.equ & .db directive extensions are used for which source file Falsim?
2 forms of ALU Instructions?
X86 family, write 2 instructions to input and output data from peripheral devices.
Arrangements of 4×8 memory cells.
Long Questions:
What’s wireless transmission & write it’s features.
What is serial communication also discuss all of its types.
Suppose a Floppy Device with a transfer rate of 25kb per second is attached to a 32 bit, 10MIPS Cpu using an interupt driven interface. The drive has a 16 bit data bit. Assume that the interupt overhead is 10 instructions. Calculate the fraction of CPU time required to service this drive when it is active.