Cs 201 exam 15Aug 9:30:
Mcqs mostly classes and pointers(conceptual)
8 to 10 MCq from handouts.
Q1:Write a program to check that the integer is positive,negative or zero using nested if else statement (3 marks)
Q2:error checking from #define macro(3 marks)
Q3:output of a program
Having pointers and reference variable.(3 marks)
Q4:write syntax of user defined manipulator.(3 marks)
Baqi two shorts yaad nahi.
Q1:What will be the output of program(very long code of class inside class)if we remove static keyword.(5 marks)
Q2:Prompt a integer number from user and then calculate product and display result using formula: product=number*2^5 also use bitwise manipulator for calculation.(5 marks)
Q3:What will be the output of given matrix(very long matrix)
Q4:Write the output of program(program of pointers and reference variable)