STA301 Midterm Current Paper Today

STA301 midterm paper 2023 by 😈☠️


How many modes in bimodal distribution?

Mean deviation is always

(Greater than Standard deviation)

(Greater than or equal to Standard deviation)

(Smaller than standard deviation)

(Smaller than or equal to Standard deviation)

For what condition of k, at least 1-1/ksquare of the data values fall within k standard deviation of the mean.

Range of the value of correlation coefficient is from?

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Deviation distribution from symmetry is called?

Variable plotted on the vertical or Y-axis in a scatter diagram is called?

For positively skeweed distribution m3 will be?

A continuous variable can be measured at?

Source of data in interviews, surveys and internet communication on mail are?

Difference between Smallest and largest data values is called?

Measure of dispersion is used to calculate?

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Chebyshev’s inequality is more appropriate if the distribution is?

A fight of migrating ducks in Canada is example of?

Lack of uniformity is called?

*3 Marks Questions*

Q1. Find Median of numbers, 4,2,11,6,2,9

Q2. Difference between interval and ratio scale. Also give an example to support your answer.

*5 Marks Questions*

1. Calculate first two moments about main from the following data x= 11, 12,14,15,16,18,19

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2. Use the decimal part in each value of the leaf and rest of the digit as a stem to construct the stem and leaf table for following 10 values.

Q.3 a certain data set have first and third quartile as 36 and 45 respectively. Find the quartile deviation and coefficient of quartile deviation.

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