Fin623 Midterm Current Paper Today

Paper bht easy tha in topics to ready kr lyn axhy marks ayn gy InshAllah.

■Define tax year and its types?

■Write down the internal and external aids?

■Identify the legal status of :

●ABC University

●K&F bank company

●Kashif is a director of ABC company

■Permanent establishment and its explain its concept with 3 points?

Also Read:  PAK 301

■Tax permissible and non permissible according to PE in Pakistan?

■Calculate the total taxable income?

■Mcqs topics:

●Resident or non resident

●Progressive tax

●Agriculture or non agriculture income

●Foreign source of income

●Pakistan course of income

●Exemption and tax concessions

●Scholarship allowance

●Support payment to spouse

●Clubbing of income is charged tax at which rate?

Also Read:  CHE301 Final Term Past Paper 2022

●Income from business head in PE is treated as separate legal entity or not?





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