CS411 Final Term Current Paper Today

1. Any object implementing icommand which defines Execute, canexecute, canexecutechanged can work as a Command.
2. Javascript was introduced in 95 by netscape
3. using Journal. Journal provides logic behind back and fwd. Internally two stacks. Back / fwd
4. TCS used for real IO task.
5. ID Selector sign ( # )
6. preventdefault(); function used for ?
7. Cllocationmanager() function used for location in objective c
8. correct syntex Nsmutablearray *arrayinstance = [[nsmutablearray alloc] init]
9. Locationmanager=[[cllocationmanager alloc] init];
used for location.
10. bs itne hi yad hai.
1. write HTML 5 version name(5 marks)
2. write steps of web server talk(5 marks)
3. explain code(5 marks)
<rowdefination width = 1*>
<rowdefination width = 1*>
</ grid.rowdefination>
<columndefination height = *>
<columndefination height = *>
<button rowdefination = 1>button 1</ button>
<button gride.columndefination = 2 >button 2</ button>
<button grid.columnspan >button 3</ button>
</ grid>

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1. what do this code(3 marks)
(void)touchesmoved:(nsset *)touches withevent:(uievent *)event;
2.give definition of this code
parallel.for() and parallel.foreach()
3. write the method which used the URI in Navigation method(3 marks)
4. write keyboard event(3 marks)

pray for me thanks

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