cs625 Final Term Current Paper Today

Cs625 current mid 11-1-2023

MCQ ke liye YouTube se Grand Quiz ki 6 video hai wo kr lu mery 17 MCQ yahni se aye hai


—— Type of staff in Syniad Software Company

Ans= three

You can —– if you break ruin your conscience

Ans= ethic

——-is a way of thinking and living

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Ans= Professionalism


  1. meant by Geographical organization. At least two examples of Geographical organization?(3)

2.meant by Long Term Planning?(3)

  1. You are working as a software engineer in a company. One of your colleagues is out-stationed and comes to office after 2 hour of traveling .boss has warned him if he keeps the same routine. He will be fired. He tries to explain the he does not have care and he travels on public transport. But manager does not list.so he asks you to mark his attendance when you come to office.
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How would you response in a way that is legal, moral, and ethical?(5)

4.Write Down any 3 Health and safety act 1974.(5)


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