CS101 Final Term Current Paper Today

mcqs  easy the ..kuch files se aye the kch new the most ms excel or ms word se related the ..1. ek formula likha tha (B1^(A1-C1))/2  isko ms excel me dalna tha or iska answer 18 tha..2. Us me 2 blank space thi ms excel k column k beech toh pucha tha unhu countblank so us ka answer 2 tha… bs yeh 2 imp lage muje toh yad rhe .. Short Ques 1.ms word ka ques tha right correct tab in front of group ..uss me Home tab and Insert tab tha ..uss k samne font or style likhna tha ..2. About natural language 3. concern of security issue .long 1. Difference btw compiler and interpreter 2. Pseudo code of following number 3. Ms excel function..

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