Created on By Dilawar


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The total amount of memory that is supported by any digital system depends upon _

2 / 21

The three fundamental gates are ___________

3 / 21

LUT is acronym for _________

4 / 21

The voltage gain of the Inverting Amplifier is given by the relation ________

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Excess-8 code assigns _______ to “-8”

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A Nibble consists of _____ bits

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In asynchronous transmission when the transmission line is idle, _________

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The _____________ input overrides the ________ input

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___________ is said to occur when multiple internal variables change due to change in one input variable

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74HC163 has two enable input pins which are _______ and _________

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In NOR gate based S-R latch if both S and R inputs are set to logic 0, the previous output state is maintained.

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In NOR gate based S-R latch if both S and R inputs are set to logic 0, the previous output state is maintained.

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The divide-by-60 counter in digital clock is implemented by using two cascading counters:

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A 8-bit serial in / parallel out shift register contains the value “8”, _____ clock signal(s) will be required to shift
the value completely out of the register.

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Which of the following statement is correct about find(x) operation:

18 / 21

Suppose you implement a Min heap (with the smallest element on top) in an array. Consider the different arrays
below; determine the one that cannot possibly be a heap:

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If the bottom level of a binary tree is NOT completely filled, depicts that the tree is NOT a

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What is the best definition of a collision in a hash table?

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