ENG301 LIVE QUIZ FINAL TERM 23/24 February 15, 2023 by Dilawar 117 Created on February 15, 2023 By Dilawar ENG301 LIVE QUIZ FINAL TERM 23/24 1 / 25 Communication is__________way process 1 2 4 6 2 / 25 Globalization means that for a Company to survive, it must establish markets not only in its own country two countries Six countries Many countries Whole World 3 / 25 ______means that msg is specfic definite and vivid. • Concreteness • Completeness • Consideration • Conciseness 4 / 25 Which one of the followings is not aspect of the AIDA plan? Attention Interest Desire and action Skill 5 / 25 To communicate easily and effectively with your readers, how many number of principles of communication are applied: Nine Seven Eleven Six 6 / 25 In----------- characteristics such as body shape, body odors and skin color are included. Mental Physical Spiritual verbal 7 / 25 Monthly Market Report is an analysis of business done during the Select correct option: Whole day Whole week Whole month 8 / 25 In claim letter the initial statement should contain: Also Read: CS302 FINAL TERM PAPERS + LIVE MCQ'S Good news. Bad news Mixed news Ambiguous 9 / 25 A standing committee is one that operates permanently: Month after month. Week after week. Year after year. After six months 10 / 25 Classification of Report is Informal reports, Short reports Formal reports ,Long reports Formal or Informal reports , Short or Long Reports Informal repots, Long repots 11 / 25 ------------------------ include investigation of an issue or problem or Calculation of financial ratios of a company. Formal report Analytical Letter Reports Scientific Reports Informational Letter Reports 12 / 25 Prefatory parts are __ in number 6 7 8 9 13 / 25 are ___ basic parts of a formal report. 3 4 5 6 14 / 25 are usually short messages with natural, casual use of language. Formal reports Informal reports Short reports Progress report 15 / 25 Sales letters start with: An easy and effective way An attention-getting device. A smooth story. Buffer 16 / 25 Also Read: MTH301 FINAL TERM PAPERS LIVE MCQ'S Circular letters are used To send information to two people. To send the same information to a number of people To communicate to other company. To send information inside a company. 17 / 25 Complaint letter should be called----------------. Persuasive letters Claim letter Inquiry letters Sales letters 18 / 25 Letter refusing adjustment is written when: The buyer is at fault. The seller is at fault. When the third party is at fault. When nobody is at fault. 19 / 25 Task force is ------------- after solving a specific problem, assigned to them. Engaged to other problems. Disbanded. Engaged to routine work. Sent on leave 20 / 25 Which writing style characterizes the memos? Informal Formal Impersonal tone. Neutral 21 / 25 -If your message is specific, definite and vivid; which of the following principle has been applied? Completeness Correctness Conciseness Concreteness 22 / 25 Also Read: ZOO630 Final Term Past Paper 4-Claim letter is also called: Transmittal letter Credit refusing letter Adjustment letter Complaint letter 23 / 25 -Which phrase is used during a presentation? Thanks for giving me a hand. Thank you very much for your time today. Thank you for your quick response. Thank you for your corporation. 24 / 25 -Feasibility reports are used: To analyze problems and predict practical alternatives. To control problems, sell products and services. To monitor and control production, sales, shipping, etc. To solve problems and supply facts. 25 / 25 What is the last thing you need to do before you get ready to distribute your document? Revising Designing Proofreading All of the above Your score is The average score is 58% LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte 0% Restart quiz Related