SOC101 Final Term Current Paper Today

Today dated 07.01.2023 i attempt paper of soc101. Paper was totally conceptual but easy for those who are regularly listen the VU lectures . Please don’t waste your time in shortcut so please make a habit for study on daily basis. If we study 3 lectures on daily basis almost we will complete all chapters until final term so here is my advice to all please focus on your study and avoid to make shortcut. So some question are mentioned below as i have memorized

  1. write 5 point of social perspective with example (by peter Burger) this is short question
  2. class conflict related to (Karl Marx) mcqs
  3. what is social deviance (Short Question)
  4. write 5 point on value of age by social perspective
  5.  looking Glass Self ( Charles H. gooly) mcqs
  6. write 5 point on mass Media (Short Question)
  7. life course ia a Biological process (mcqs)
  8. Stigma related to ( Erving Goffman) mcqs
  9. which is not primary deviation ( mcqs)
  10. who defines deviance (mcqs)
  11. deviance promotes (Socioal Change) mcqs
  12. biological explanations focus on( genetic predisposition) mcqs
  13. theory of differential Association by (E Sutherland) mcqs
  14. culture acquiring from other culture belong to (diffusion)
  15. research report (data collection) mcqs
Also Read:  PAD603


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