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11th class math guess paper 2022

Unit 1
crucial Definitions: 1. complicated numbers 2. rational numbers three. irrational numbers
instance #6 (page#10),
Ex #1.1 Q.1 (ii, iii. iv) Q.4(i,ii) Q.5, Q.6(i)
Ex #1.2 Q.four(i, ii, iii) Q.five(ii,iii) Q.11, Q.14(ii, iii) Q.five(ii) Q.16(i, ii)
Ex# 1.3: Q.2(ii, iii, iv), Q.four, Q.5 (i, ii, iii), Q.6(i, ii)
Theorms: (iii, iv) (page#21)
-> also research associative laws of addition and multiplicatioin
Unit 2
vital Definitions: identical and equivalent sets, Singleton set, null set, finite and limitless units
exercising 2.1 Q.2(i, v, vi,ix,xii,xvi),
Ex # 2.2 Q.4(ii,vii),Q.5(iii.iv)
De Morgan’s legal guidelines,
Ex #2.3 (Q# 9[i], [iv]),
instance #4 (web page#fifty three),
Ex # 2.4 (Q#5),
Ex # 2.5 (Q#four),
example #four (page#53,
answer of Linear Equations(pg.seventy six), Reversal law of Inverses(pg.seventy seven), exercising 2.8: Q.five, Q.6
Unit three
Ex #3.1: Q.2, Q.3(i,ii), Q.5,eight, Q.12(i, ii),
Ex # three.2 Q.three(ii), Q.5(i), Q.6(iii), Q.8(ii), Q.2(ii), Q.four(iv), Q.7(i)
Ex # 3.three Q.1(i), Q.2(i,ii,iii), Q.3(ii,iii,iv), Q.4(ii), Q.five(i,iii,v), Q.6(i,iii),
Ex # three.four: Q.6(i), Q.eight, Q.10(ii, iii), instance three: (pg.137), Q.five
Ex # 3.five: Q.1(iii), Q.2(ii), Q.4(ii)
Unit four
Ex # four.1 (Q. eight),instance #6 (page#406)..
example #4 (page#a hundred forty five)
Ex # 4.2 (Q. 10, 14, 24),
Ex # 4.3 (Q. five, 12),
three cube roots of cohesion,
Ex # 4.four (Q. 3[i], [iii], Q. 5),
Ex # 4.5 (Q. sixteen),
Ex # four.6 (Q. 2, three[ii], 4, 6, 9),
Nature Of The Roots of a
Quadratic Equation.,
Ex # 4.7 (Q. five, eight),
Ex # four.8 (Q. five),
Ex # four.9 (Q. 5, eight),
Ex # 4.10 (Q. 13,17)
Unit five
Ex # five.1 Q. 4,7,10, Q.five, example 1: (pg.184), example 2: (pg.184),
Ex # 5.3 Q.1,10, example 1: (pg.188) Q.3,6,eight
Unit 6
Ex# 6.1 Q.1(ii,iii, v,vi,vii, viii)
Ex # 6.2 Q.4,7,eight,9,12, 2,6,thirteen,
Ex # 6.eight (Q. 3[ii, iv], 8),
Ex # 6.10 Q.1(i), Q.2(ii), Q.7,eight,12,13, Q.14(i), Q.15(i), Q.17
Unit 7
Ex # 7.2 Q.1(i,iii,v), Q.2(i,ii,iii), Q.3,four,6,10,11, instance #1 (web page#237
Ex # 7.3 Q.1(ii, iii), Q.4,12, Q.three,eleven,
Ex # 7.four: Q.1(i,ii,iii), Q.2(i,ii,iii), Q.three(i) Q.four,10,
Ex # 7.5 Q.three(i, ii)
Ex # 7.7 (Q. 2, 5),
example three: (pg.238)
Unit eight
Ex # eight.1 Q.1,3,five,7,15,22,
Ex # eight.2 (Q. 7[i], nine[i], 10[i, ii])
Ex # eight.3 (Q. 3[iii], 4[iv,vi],12, Q.5,7,eleven
Unit 9
Ex # nine.1 Q.1(ix,xii,xiii), Q.2(ii,vi,xv), Q.three, Q.4(i), Q.5(ii), Q.6(i), Q.7
Ex # 9.2 Q.three(iv,v,vi), Q.four(ii)
Ex # nine.3 Q.1(i,ii, iii. iv), Q.2(i), Q.three(i,ii), Q.four, Q.five(iv,vii), Q.6(v,ix)
Ex # 9.4 Q.5,6,7,nine,10
Unit 10
Ex # 10.1 (Q. three[iii]),
Ex # 10.2 Q.1(iii,vi), Q.three(ii), Q.7(ii), Q.11, instance 1: (pg.330),
Ex # 10.4 Q.1(i,iii,iv,v), Q.2(v,vi), Q.3(ii), Q.4
Unit eleven
Ex # 11.1 (Q. five, 9)
Unit 12
Ex # 12.three Q.1,5,3,9
Ex #12.6 Q.2,6,7,10 Q.1,eight,
Ex # 12.8 Q.1(i), Q.three(iii), Q.5(iv), Q.6(i), Q.7(i), Q.12
Unit thirteen
Ex # 13.1: Q.1(iv,v,vi), Q.2(i,iii), Q.three(iii,iv,vii),
Ex # thirteen.2: Q.three,11,17,18,19
Unit 14
instance 1-three: (pg.401&402), example 1,2,four,five: (pg.403,405 & 406),
Ex # 14: Q.1(ii,iv), Q.2(i,iii), Q.three,5

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